Monday, March 30, 2015

Tundra Swans 2015

Past years I've shot thousands of shots of the migrating swans landing, taking off, soaring overhead.  Over the last few days the moon has risen early and bright giving me a new perspective on an age old subject.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

France 2014

Last October, Nancy & I had the opportunity to go to Paris for an accounting conference.

We booked a bus tour of Normandy, Brittany and the Loire Valley and then spent a few days before the conference in Paris.  Thanks to some clever conference scheduling, we had the opportunity to see more of Paris and area outside of meeting hours.

Of the over 5,000 images, you get to see just over 50.  I liked how the light struck the subject in many of these shots. Many of you know my love of "street photography.  Shooting from the hip is great fun in crowded area such as the Montmartre section of Paris.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Pt Bruce, yet again.

I couldn't blame you if you are getting tired of my fascination with Pt Bruce, in winter.  I won't promise that this will be the last post of snow and ice from there.  To me, it's such a great place to go.  Only a few minutes from home but once there it's like another world.  Today's shots were sunrise, not sunset.  Thank goodness for the colour of the sun as it was a very grey morning otherwise.